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entre nous 〔法語〕 (= between ourselves) 不...


At this remark , passed obviously in the spirit of where ignorance is bliss , mr bloom and stephen , each in his own particular way , both instinctively exchanged meaning glances , in a religious silence of the strictly entre nous variety however , towards where skin - the - goat , alias the keeper , was drawing spurts of liquid from his boiler affair 此話一聽就是本著無知乃至福93的精神講的,布盧姆先生和斯蒂芬以各自的方式本能地相互交換了一下意味深長的眼色,然而是在虔誠而諱莫如深94的沉默中他們隨即把視線朝“剝山羊皮” -也就是店老板一一的方向投去。

His duties include phoning journalists to mention , entre nous , that a company boss whose interests conflict with his client ' s was defrocked as a priest in 1979 他的職責包括給記者打電話,神秘兮兮地告訴他們,與他的客戶存在利害沖突的某公司老板在1979年被免去牧師資格。